Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bad haircuts and huge breasts.

I love different haircuts. I really do. I experiment with styles all the time. But the one part I hate is when it gets to the length that is absolutely useless. That's what ails me now. Stupid shoulder length hair that I hate. Too short to all go up in a pony without looking ridiculous and too long to wear down at work. So the bobby-pin is now my new best friend. This is just one of the things that is making me aggravated right now.

I am 23 years old, almost 24, and my boobs are STILL growing. We are talking two inches and a cup size in the last 5 months. And in the same time frame I have lost weight, so I really don't understand what is going on.

I am currently thoroughly engrossed in a Real Housewives of NY marathon. I love this show. I don't know why. And it sucks it's on at the same time as The Mentalist so I never get to watch it until I download it the next day. Bethenny Frankel is probably my personal hero. I love everything about her.

I am also in deep contemplation about changing my major. I think I will see how Summer and Fall semesters go and then decide. But I see good things in my future. That's the best feeling I have had in a while. The last few weeks I have just been in a really good place.

And my sister just came to visit me! It was awesome!!
And she brought my adorable nephew! I am really glad I got to spend a few days with them and see my nephew have so much fun. We did the zoo, science center, arch and turtle park. It was a blast. :]

I think I am going to go pour myself some wine and watch some more housewives while even more thoughts run through my head.

In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. I know, I know, I should do this on Mondays. But I just got this weeks fabulous finds all piled up and listed.

At the thrift store I found :
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
Garden Of Shadows - VC Andrews
Good In Bed - Jennifer Weiner
White Oleander - Janet Fitch
He's Just Not That Into You - Greg Behrendt
In Her Own Sweet Time - Lehmann - Haupt
Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil - John Berendt

And I really have to share the fact that I found PRADA. Real, authentic, tagged Prada. 12 dollars. Be jealous.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Short Life Update..

Hey y'all. I know, I really suck at writing in this don't I? I go a week and blog like crazy then you don't hear from me for a month. Sorry about that. Things have been really insane lately.

Well, I am officially a full time college student. Awesome, I know. I start classes June 7th. I really can't wait. I am only taking online classes for the summer but come fall time I will be taking a full on campus course load. It only took me 6 years, but I am finally going to school. Woo.

Hmm. My best friend, Sherry, came to visit me in St Louis. It was amazing. We had a fabulous week!
This is us at the St Louis Zoo in front of the waterfalls. Shortly before she was chased around by a huge bird. Hilarious. We also got tattoos. And went to the top of the Arch!! Now, I know most people don't see why that would be a 2 exclamation point statement, but I am deathly afraid of heights. So getting me to the top of that 630 foot arch was not easy at all. And the tram thing that takes you up there is like a 4 foot tall cheese wheel. It was ridiculous. I was not please, I had a huge freak out. But I did it. See Busch Stadium from the top of the arch:
Woot. In other news, I found out that my ex fiance just plead guilty to second degree murder. Crazy to think just four years ago we were getting engaged, planning a wedding, planning a life together. And now I am in St Louis planning my future and he is planning 20 to life. It's insane the roads we go down.

I am slowly learning to stop and appreciate everything as it comes. I've definitely been stopping and smelling roses. And I know I always say this, but I really will try to be better about updating. I promise! :]