Tuesday, December 29, 2009

You Are My Manhattan From The Sky.

Sometimes, you find yourself in good company, with too much alcohol, and loose lips. Luckily last night went well. As I sat a table with one person I knew and ten I didn't, I realized that maybe all you have to do is smile and breathe.

I have never been good at making friends. Acquaintances maybe, but all my good, solid, whole-hearted friends, I have known since I was 12. Maybe I am scared to let people in, maybe I am a complete loser. I have no idea, but I do know that St Louis is my new start. Everything is so different here, I really feel like a lived a completely different life in New York. I feel comfortable here. To be silly and fun, and myself.

Today I woke up to a pounding headache, and a phone full of drunk texts. Maybe the 20's are for making all your mistakes, but someone should put a breathalyzer on my cell phone.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Greetings from St Louis!

So, I have been awful about this the last few weeks. It's been almost a month since I was on here. Sorry about that. I started a fabulous new job on Black Friday, and time has been zooming by ever since.

I love living in St Louis. The city is amazing. There is always something to do. And I love living somewhere where I can take a train to and from work everyday. It's pretty awesome. [Although I have a deathly fear said train will fall off the tracks above the highway one morning, but I just hate bridges with a fire that burns deep in my soul.] The job I have is pretty amazing. I love it. I am waiting tables yet again, but it's fun, easy, and I really do enjoy it. Not to mention, I work with some pretty amazing girls. And my boss is a total Zombie freak, so it's pretty rad.

Christmas is coming up pretty quick. And it's going to suck. It's the first year I have been away from my family. And I miss my mom and dad a lot. I am hoping to go home and visit for my mom's birthday in March.

I am also hoping to get caught up on my 4 missed shoe of the week posts. So I am spending today, my first day off in a week, relaxing and looking at shoes! <3