Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tell me why we're talking when we dance so good?

So I haven't been on here in over a year. How insane is that?! So much has happened and changed. I left Saint Louis, moved to the Atlanta area. Two years after I said I was going to. I got married, had a baby girl. Her name is Lauren, she was born March 9th, 2011 at 5.18pm, 7lbs 3 oz, 20in long. She is amazing. Funny, and smart. And probably the best crawler of all time.

She looks super guilty here, because she stole the dog bone. But she's cute as pie so it's ok.

As for the marriage, that didn't exactly work out the way I wanted it to. My husband ended up going back to Mexico to see his sick brother, and no we are pretty sure he isn't coming back. He has been gone 7 months, so as much as it sucks, and I hate to say it, we both basically moved on. But at least we still talk.

I am working in a Mexican Restaurant (La Hacienda) in Newnan, Georgia. And it's insane. Every day is a trip. Someone's car got stolen from the parking lot Sunday. People keep getting fired left and right. I just don't understand it at all. The rules change every day for no reason, but at least for now I am on their favorites list. I do my work and I leave, and they gave me the exact schedule that I want, basically, and I am working on getting that completely kink free too. I love getting special treatment.

So, here in Georgia, I am living with my sister and her family. And it's a little rough at times. You know how family is. We fight, we're better in a few hours. But my oh my what I wouldn't give to have my own place again. I miss living alone so much it's ridiculous. Too bad we aren't neighbors. Or we had a split level or something.

Anyway, that's my life update at the moment. And now I will continue on to my fabulous and much missed fashion blogging!! Woooo hooo. <3 

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